What are Group 15 elements and how to write the electronic configuration of p block elements

Group 15 elements p block elements class 12

Here, in this article you will learn about group 15 elements P block elements. This article provides an overview of group 15 elements of P block including their properties uses and examples. This article also includes MCQs and PYQs to help you in testing your knowledge. You will understand the topic of group 15 elements P block elements from notes and video mentioned below

Introduction to group 15 elements P block elements

Group 15 elements are also known as pnicogens. This group consists of five elements nitrogen phosphorus arsenic antimony and bismuth. These elements share similar electronic configuration and therefore exhibit similar chemical properties.

Physical and chemical properties of group 15

Typically group 15 elements or non-metals except for this month which is a post-transition metal. They have five valance electrons and tend to form covalent bonds. Group 15 elements have a strong tendency to gain three electrons to complete their octet and form ions with -3 charge. Electronegativity of group 15 elements decreases down the group while atomic radii increases. They can form covalent bonds with other non-metals or metals in their lower oxidation state.

Examples of group 15 elements p block Elements

Nitrogen is colourless and orderless gas that makes up most of the earth’s atmosphere. Phosphorus is a solid non-metallic element that exist in several allotropes. anti-money is a silvery white brittle metal used in alloys. Arsenic is brittle grey metalloid with metallic lustre. This month is dense silvery white battle with a pink is tint

MCQs and PYQs of Group 15 elements P block elements

Here are some mcqs and pyqs of Group 15 elements P block elements to practice and check your knowledge.

MCQs of Group 15 elements P block elements

  1. Which of the following is a non-metal in Group 15

a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus c. Arsenic d. Antimony

Answer: a. Nitrogen

FAQs of group 15 elements P block elements

  • What is the most common oxidation state of Group 15 elements?
  • What is the use of antimony in flame retardants?
  • What is the electronic configuration of nitrogen?
  • Which Group 15 element is used in medicine and cosmetics?
  • What is the most common form of phosphorus?

Notes on group 15 elements p block elements class 12

Here Are Some notes on group 15 elements P block elements class 12.

Video on Group 15 elements

So, here in this video you will learn about the 10 most important mcq’s related to group 15 elements P block elements


Explanation of the notes on group 15 elements P block elements

Here’s the explanation of the notes in the video tutorials 👇

• When iron is treated with con HNO3 it becomes passive to the formation of a protective layer of FeOFe203 on its surface. On the other hand, platinum being a noble metal does not react with con HNO3

• HNO2 acts as reducing oxidising and complexing agent.

• In P4 Phosphorus is SP3 hybridised since P orbitals form Pi bonds therefore pi character of P orbitals is 75

• Consider the case of  disproportionation reaction, the oxidation state of phosphorus increases from zero in P4 to + 1 in NH2PO2 and decreases from 0 in P4 to – 3 in PH3

• P2O3 is most acidic because electronegativity decreases in the order P > As > Sb > Bi

Oxoacids of phosphorus group 15

• Hypophosphorous acid H3PO2 is a monobasic acid and hence forms NH2PO2 salt.

• Due to the presence of one P – H bond in H3PO2, it acts as a reducing agent and reduces AgNO3 to metallic Ag

• Orthophosphorous acid H3PO3 and Pyrophosphorous acid H4P2O5 have the same oxidation state of +3

• Phosphinic acid is monoprotic while phosphonic acid as H3PO3 is diprotic.


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