How To Fill The Electronic Configuration Of Elements

Electronic configuration is the arrangement of electrons in the atomic orbital. Here, are the rules to write the configuration of electron in the atomic orbital. Rules for filling electronic configuration in an atomic orbital There are some rules to fill the electronic configuration in an element. Let’s discuss them one by one : Aufbau Principle […]

What is the concentration of solution and how to express

Firstly, we will understand about the term solutions. Afterwards, we will discuss the ways of expressing concentration of solutions. Expressing the concentration of the solutions A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more chemically non reacting solute and solvent components. Solute is the component which is present in lesser amount in the solution. […]

What is Isobar isotope isotone and how to differentiate them

Isobar isotope isotone isoelectronic species What are isobar isotope isotone isoelectronic species Here in this article you will learn about isobar isotope isotone isoelectronic species with different examples. You will also learn about isobar isotope isotone isoelectronic species with the help of notes and video given below. What are isotopes ? Atoms of the same […]

What are coordination compounds
What are coordination compounds and how to classify them

Here in this article you will learn about the coordination compound, classification of ligands and examples of coordination compounds. What is Coordination Compound ? Coordination compounds are the compounds in which the central metal atom is linked to a number of ions or neutral molecules by coordinate bonds. Dative or coordinate bond is formed by […]